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CHA - Children's Health Alliance


The Children’s Health Alliance: A Beacon of Pediatric Excellence in Oregon and SW Washington


Unveiling a Unique Pediatric Partnership

In the Pacific Northwest, a remarkable organization stands out in the landscape of pediatric healthcare: the Children’s Health Alliance (CHA). This distinguished association, uniquely positioned as the sole pediatric Independent Physicians Association (IPA) in Oregon and Southwest Washington, represents a rare gem nationwide in primary care pediatric physician associations. CHA’s ethos revolves around a collective ambition to elevate pediatric care standards, focusing on key clinical care priorities. These endeavors are not just about meeting benchmarks but about genuinely enhancing health outcomes for children. It’s a testament to the belief that when pediatric providers come together, the impact transcends individual practices, fostering a wave of improvement across the broader community and system of child healthcare.


A Vision Driven by Pediatricians

CHA’s mission is guided by clear, pediatrician-driven goals. The organization is committed to demonstrating value through data, aligning payment with care quality, and tirelessly exploring innovative care approaches. These efforts are designed to support the medical home model and address the diverse needs of patients, especially in pediatric care.


Comprehensive Services Offered

CHA’s services are multifaceted, addressing various aspects of pediatric care:

  1. Provider Leadership and Peer Collaboration: At CHA, collaboration is key. By bringing together pediatric providers, the organization fosters an environment where shared learning and best practices are the norms.

  2. Population Health Management and IT: In partnership with a leading Population Health Management system, CHA has developed a specialized Care Management, Analytics, & Reporting Tool (CMART). This tool is a game-changer, offering a 360-degree view of patient information at the point-of-care. It empowers providers with actionable insights, enabling proactive management of pediatric care protocols and improving performance towards key pediatric care goals.

  3. Quality Improvement and Monitoring: CHA is deeply invested in the continuous enhancement of pediatric care quality. Through rigorous monitoring and improvement strategies, the organization ensures the highest standards of care are consistently met.

  4. Medical Home Optimization: The concept of a medical home is central to CHA’s philosophy. The organization works tirelessly to optimize this model, ensuring comprehensive, coordinated, and continuous care for all children.

  5. Contracting and Pediatric Advocacy: CHA also plays a crucial role in advocating for pediatric healthcare needs, ensuring that the voices of children and pediatricians are heard in broader healthcare discussions.


Joining the Alliance

For private practice pediatric clinics in Oregon or SW Washington, becoming a part of CHA is an opportunity to be at the forefront of pediatric healthcare. It’s an invitation to join a community dedicated to making a real difference in the lives of children.




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