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Find Out How Todogod community can help you

Who We Are?

At Todogod, we are a global network of individuals and organizations who are passionate about helping others and making a positive impact in the world. We believe that the way of giving and doing good is the right path for all human beings, and we are committed to building a community that embodies these values.

Want to give help and enlighten the world?

We believe in free love

Todogod, Founded in memory of Yitzhak and Ynon Havshush, who were people of giving and continue to shine through us today. We also honor the legacy and memory of the freedom fighters and heroes from Israel and around the world who fought for justice and equality for all human beings and gave their lives for us. Our commitment to free love and mutual aid drives us to continue this work and make a positive impact on the world.

How We Can Help You?

Our community is filled with social organizations and individuals who offer help to each other in a wide range of areas, all free of charge or at a very low cost. We review each other to improve our ability to help and do good to community members, and you can easily connect with providers by sending a message through the website or using the contact details provided..

Join Us Today!

We invite you to join us today and be part of a global movement of people committed to doing good and making a positive impact in the world. By coming together, we can build a better future for ourselves and for generations to come. Thank you for considering Todogod as your partner in doing good.

Our Mission

Our mission is to connect people on the basis of mutual help, love, and giving. We aim to build the largest aid organization in Israel and around the world, welcoming people of all religions, races, and backgrounds to join us and offer their assistance in any way they can.

Our Vision

Our vision is to create a common identity between all those who share our values of giving and doing good. By providing assistance to anyone in need and connecting people to social organizations and individuals who can help, we believe we can make a meaningful impact on the world.

How to get help today?

How to get

In our community you will find social organizations and individuals who offer help to each other in all areas of life and for free or at a very attractive price.

Find a help provider in a relevant area

You can seek help in all areas of life, our database contains information on social organizations and individuals who will be happy to do good and make you happy.

Check Reviews

We Review each other to improve our ability to help and do good to community members.


Contact the help provider by sending a message through the website or with the attached contact details, to get help and assistance from him.

What our community members say about us?

Clients Reviews

We make sure to get reviews from members of the community, about the site itself and also about the help providers, in order to improve the service and experience of the site users all the time.

From The Blog

From The Blog
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Top 10 Trailblazing Cancer Research Charities Making Strides in Global Oncology   Encompassing a multitude of efforts aimed at unveiling the veiled mysteries of malignancies, cancer research charities have burgeoned as beacons of hope ...
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