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Todogod Foundation

Todogod Foundation: Driving Social Development in Israel !​


The Todogod Foundation is a social initiative that consolidates knowledge and connections from hundreds of nonprofit organizations across Israel. Our digital platform serves as an effective tool to amplify social projects, enhance their impact, and foster strong relationships between donors, investors, and social entrepreneurs.



What We Offer

  1. Initial Meeting: We’ll start with an introductory meeting to get to know each other, ensuring that our values align and that we share the common goal of strengthening Israel, its society, and its people.

  2. Focused Support Areas: We’ll identify the areas of assistance that matter most to you, focusing our efforts on those specific fields.

  3. Action Plan: We will develop a strategic action plan and set milestones to achieve the most effective social impact possible with your resources, which we’ll submit for your approval.

  4. Execution and Monitoring: While you continue with your daily activities, we will execute the plan, monitor its progress, and provide you with regular updates, reports, photos, and videos.

  5. Ongoing Adjustments: Throughout the process, we’ll conduct Zoom calls as needed to fine-tune the plan and milestones, maximizing social impact and achieving the predefined goals.

  6. Collaborative Expansion: We’ll work together to attract additional donors and investors to join your efforts, further increasing the overall impact.

קרן Todogod

Lean and Efficient Management for Rapid Response

Our approach is highly efficient, ensuring that the majority of resources are directed to those who need them most. Our foundation operates with a small, highly skilled team that works swiftly and effectively, keeping operational costs low while enabling quick decision-making.

Donation Strategy to Maximize Impact


Collaboration with Nonprofits

By leveraging the existing infrastructure of partner organizations, we can reach individuals in need across Israel quickly and efficiently, at minimal operational cost.

We focus your donations on purchasing essential supplies, food, and critical assistance, ensuring that the majority of your funds go directly to those who need them most.


קרן פילנתרופית - philanthropic foundation

Matching Strategy – Supporting Major Initiatives

We provide supplemental funding to large-scale projects that have already secured grants from leading foundations and government institutions.

This allows us to join forces with these entities, financing initiatives that align with our predefined criteria and require additional matching funds.

This strategy places us at the forefront of significant partnerships, leveraging your donation up to 10 times its original value.

Todogod Foundation

Supporting Social Entrepreneurs

Our connections with grassroots social entrepreneurs allow us to identify individuals making a real difference in their communities.

These dedicated individuals often work tirelessly, without financial compensation, to protect and uplift the most vulnerable in Israeli society.

We provide them with the support they need to continue their vital work, ensuring their efforts have the greatest possible impact.


Ensuring Your Donation Goes Further

Our work goes beyond simply distributing funds to worthy causes.

Every project supported by the Todogod Foundation receives close guidance and professional advice, empowering them to expand their activities and maximize their capacity to give. By providing ongoing support, knowledge, and tools, we help strengthen these leaders, enabling them to better assist Israelis facing daily challenges and lead them toward a better future.

קרן פילנתרופית - philanthropic foundation

Who Can Donate to the Fund?

Anyone can contribute to the Todogod philanthropic fund and make an impact through it!

However, Todogod actively seeks out large donors and investors who have the capacity and desire to contribute significant sums to strengthen Israeli society. These individuals and organizations often require a professional body to ensure their contributions are utilized in the most effective and meaningful way.

Are you looking for a professional partner to help you achieve the social impact you dream of in Israel?

Do you want your donation to yield more efficient and meaningful results?

Let’s meet for coffee and take the first step together! 


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