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The Carbon Underground
The Carbon Underground


The Carbon Underground – Reversing Climate Change



The Carbon Underground is a nonprofit organization dedicated to reversing climate change through regenerative agriculture and biological carbon sequestration. With a mission to combat climate change, the organization collaborates with various partners and implements innovative initiatives to promote sustainable practices. In this article, we will explore the vision, mission, and services offered by The Carbon Underground, along with its five special features.



The Carbon Underground envisions a world where carbon emissions are significantly reduced, and natural processes are utilized to reverse the effects of climate change. By promoting regenerative agriculture and biological carbon sequestration, the organization aims to restore soil health, conserve water, enhance food security, and create a safe future for generations to come.



The mission of The Carbon Underground is to drive the global transition to regenerative practices, emphasizing the importance of soil health and carbon sequestration. Through collaboration, education, and advocacy, the organization seeks to transform the agricultural industry and empower farmers to adopt sustainable methods that reduce emissions and draw down CO2 from the atmosphere.


Services Offered:

1.      Regenerative Agriculture Training Programs:

The Carbon Underground offers comprehensive training programs to farmers, providing them with the knowledge and tools to implement regenerative practices. These programs focus on soil health, carbon sequestration techniques, and sustainable farming methods.


2.      Partnerships and Collaborations:

The organization collaborates with industry leaders, environmental organizations, and sustainable brands to amplify the impact of regenerative agriculture. Through partnerships, The Carbon Underground drives collective action and fosters innovation in sustainable farming practices.


3.      Consumer-Led Carbon Reduction Programs:

Teaming up with organizations like the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC), The Carbon Underground develops consumer-led initiatives that encourage individuals and businesses to reduce their carbon footprint. These programs raise awareness and promote behavioral changes that contribute to a more sustainable future.


4.      Research and Advocacy:

The organization conducts research to advance the understanding of regenerative agriculture’s benefits and its role in carbon sequestration. Through advocacy efforts, The Carbon Underground advocates for policy changes that support sustainable farming practices and climate solutions.


5.      Education and Awareness Campaigns:

The Carbon Underground is committed to spreading awareness about the importance of regenerative agriculture and its impact on reversing climate change. Through educational campaigns, workshops, and online resources, the organization empowers individuals and communities to take action and make informed choices.


Five Special Features:


  • Global Impact:

The Carbon Underground’s initiatives and partnerships span across continents, addressing climate change on a global scale. From collaborations in Thailand and India to Costa Rican organizations uniting for regenerative practices, the organization’s reach extends to diverse regions, making a significant impact.


  • Industry Collaboration:

By partnering with influential organizations and industry leaders, The Carbon Underground creates a collective force to drive change. Collaborations with companies like Alter Eco and Barry Callebaut in the cacao industry demonstrate a united effort towards regenerative production and sustainable supply chains.


  • Soil Carbon Initiative:

The Carbon Underground’s Soil Carbon Initiative expands regenerative agriculture standards, working alongside organizations such as Green America, Danone, and Ben & Jerry’s. This initiative sets higher benchmarks for soil health and carbon sequestration, promoting best practices in agriculture.


  • Adopt-A-Meter Program:

The organization’s Adopt-A-Meter program supports farmers and promotes women empowerment in agriculture. Initiatives like the partnership with the American Farmland Trust demonstrate a commitment to protecting farmland and providing opportunities for marginalized communities.


  • Consumer Engagement:

The Carbon Underground actively involves consumers in their mission through various engagement options. Individuals can sign up, join communities, raise awareness, contribute to research, and make donations to support the organization’s initiatives. This inclusive approach encourages broader participation and impact.



The Carbon Underground is a nonprofit organization dedicated to reversing climate change through regenerative agriculture and biological carbon sequestration. By offering training programs, forging partnerships, and advocating for sustainable practices, they are at the forefront of driving the global transition to regenerative agriculture. With a focus on soil health, carbon sequestration, and consumer engagement, The Carbon Underground is actively working towards a more sustainable and resilient future.



Address: 8800 Venice Blvd., Suite 322 Los Angeles, CA 90034



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