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Fairtrade International

Promoting Fairer Trade for Sustainable Development



Fairtrade International is a non-profit association dedicated to promoting fairer trade practices through standards, certification, support programs, and advocacy. With a global presence and a mission to improve the livelihoods of farmers and workers, Fairtrade International plays a pivotal role in creating sustainable trade relations and empowering marginalized communities.

Vision and Mission

Fairtrade International envisions a world where small-scale farmers and workers have equitable opportunities and improved living standards. Their mission is to enable fair prices, decent working conditions, and the prohibition of exploitative labor practices while empowering producers through democratic decision-making processes.

All Services Offered


Standards and Certification:

Fairtrade International sets private standards and supports producers in obtaining and maintaining certification. These standards ensure compliance with fair trade practices, such as fair prices, community project premiums, and the prohibition of discrimination and child labor.

Support Programs:

Fairtrade International offers support programs to farmers and workers, including capacity building, training, and access to market information. These programs empower producers to improve their agricultural practices, strengthen their businesses, and enhance their market access.


Fairtrade International advocates for fair trade policies and promotes responsible trade practices. By raising awareness and engaging with stakeholders, they strive to create a more equitable and sustainable global trade system.

Global Impact Assessment:

Fairtrade International conducts assessments to measure the impact of fair trade practices on farmers, workers, and communities. These assessments provide valuable insights into the social, economic, and environmental benefits of fair trade initiatives .

Collaboration with Businesses:

Fairtrade International collaborates with businesses to develop sustainable trade relations and promote ethical choices. By sourcing Fairtrade products, companies support farmers and contribute to the fair trade movement.

Five Special Features


Consumer Trust and Recognition:

Fairtrade enjoys strong consumer support, with 70% recognition and 86% trust in the Fairtrade label.

Extensive Product Range:

Over 30,000 products bear the Fairtrade mark, including coffee, cocoa, bananas, flowers, tea, and sugar, offering consumers a wide range of choices to support fair trade.

Focus on Sustainability:

Fairtrade emphasizes sustainability and addresses climate change by promoting sustainable farming practices, such as intercropping, to enhance income and food sources for farmers.

Democratic Decision-Making:

Fairtrade ensures that small farmers’ organizations have a voice in decision-making processes. They prioritize democratic and inclusive practices to empower producers.

Global Coordination:

With 22 member organizations and coordination of activities, Fairtrade plays a vital role in ensuring effective implementation and oversight of fair trade standards. They own the FAIRTRADE Mark, a recognized symbol of fair trade certification.



Fairtrade is committed to promoting fairer trade practices, empowering farmers and workers, and ensuring sustainable development. Through their comprehensive services, global impact assessments, and collaboration with businesses, they create opportunities for small-scale producers and provide consumers with the means to make ethical choices. Fairtrade International’s dedication to fairness, sustainability, and inclusivity makes a significant difference in the lives of farmers, workers, and communities worldwide.



Address: Bonner Talweg 177, 53129 Bonn Germany


Phone: +49 228 949230


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