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NANE Egyesület



Phone Hot Line – +36 80 505 101

The Hungarian non-governmental group NANE (Nk a Nkért Együtt az Erszak Ellen Egyesület) was established in 1994 to aid women who have been victims of sexual or physical assault. Since then, it has grown to become Hungary’s premier domestic abuse and gender-based violence treatment provider.

Women who have been victims of sexual assault, any domestic violence, or other forms of gender-based violence are welcome in NANE’s safe house. They help women through the judicial system and provide them guidance and support via therapy. For women in urgent need of assistance, NANE also provides crisis intervention services, including a crisis hotline that is open around the clock.

National Association for the Advancement of Women in Hungary (NANE) works to abolish all forms of abuse against women and girls. They achieve this through launching awareness campaigns and educational initiatives that try to change the culture’s acceptance of and complicity in violence against women. They’re also trying to end prejudice against women and get more women involved in politics.

NANE does not only provide direct assistance and advocate for victims of domestic and gender-based violence in Hungary, but they are also active in research and data gathering on this issue. To learn more about the problem of violence against women and to identify places where services and assistance are lacking, researchers and surveyors undertake studies and polls.

The feminist viewpoint that underpins NANE’s work is aware of the systemic basis of gender-based violence. They are aware that women from marginalised and impoverished groups, among others, may encounter significant challenges in gaining access to resources and justice. To combat this problem, they strive to make their services available to all women regardless of their background in terms of race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or economic condition.

NANE is a vital Hungarian organisation that helps victims of domestic and gender-based abuse. Their efforts are crucial in changing minds and breaking down barriers for women’s empowerment and equal rights. As a result of NANE’s hard work, the lives of many Hungarian women and their families have improved, and this trend is only expected to continue.




Address: 1447 Budapest, Pf. 502



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