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Asians Against Domestic Abuse (AADA) logo


AADA – Asians Against Domestic Abuse


Helpline (713) 339-8300


Since 2001, the Asians Against Domestic Abuse (AADA) in Greater Houston has provided assistance to Asian American and Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) women. The objective of the AADA is to eradicate all kinds of violence against women via education, advocacy, community leadership, and the formation of successful community partnerships. Domestic violence is still a problem in certain homes, despite the fact that these communities are frequently promoted as the “Model Minority.” By allowing individuals to openly discuss difficult subjects, AADA helps to fill a service void.

The mission of the Asian American Democratic Alliance (AADA) is to abolish the oppression of women of East and Southeast Asian heritage through altering public attitudes and public policies. Individuals who have endured sexual assault or domestic violence may benefit from the AADA’s comprehensive case management services. The direct case manager of a client may assist them in developing a safety plan, navigating the legal system, and establishing financial stability. Via AADA’s interaction with the referral network, all relevant legal, counseling, and assistance professionals are accessible to program participants.

With the Domestic Violence/THRIVE Demonstration Project of the Asian American Defenders Association (AADA) and the Chinese Community Center, services are offered to assist victims of domestic violence retain their financial stability (CCC). CCC offers career training and coaching in addition to job placement services, as well as financial literacy and counseling. All AADA clients get rigorous individual case management, which consists of frequent counseling sessions, physical and mental health help, legal and immigration appointments, placement in permanent housing, and the provision of continuous services. AADA offers native-language translations of CCC’s job-readiness courses for customers whose first language is not English.

FGM/C is the practice of cutting or mutilating a woman’s genitalia for reasons other than health. It is inhumane and immoral. Although the AADA recognizes that FGM/C is more often linked with Africa and the Middle East, it remains a worldwide problem. AADA serves those from Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa who are at risk of FGM/C.
AADA’s services are designed to improve the quality of life for all Asian American and MENA families. The AADA seeks to improve families and communities by increasing awareness, providing resources, fostering personal growth, and cooperating with similar groups. AADA’s aim is to assist women achieve economic independence and self-sufficiency via its numerous activities. The victimization rate may be reduced as a result of AADA’s outreach initiatives, which strengthen community solidarity with survivors via education.



Address: Houston, TX, US 77036

Phone:  +1 713-974-3743

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Address: Houston, TX, US 77036

Phone:  +1 713-974-3743

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