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Ocean Conservancy
Ocean Conservancy


Ocean Conservancy

Protecting and Preserving Our Ocean Ecosystems



Ocean Conservancy is a nonprofit environmental advocacy organization dedicated to safeguarding the health and well-being of our oceans. With a focus on combating marine pollution, addressing climate change, and advocating for sustainable practices, The organization strives to protect our ocean ecosystems for future generations. Through various initiatives, partnerships, and programs, they work tirelessly to ensure the long-term survival of our oceans.


Vision and Mission:

Ocean Conservancy envisions a world where the ocean thrives and sustains life. Their mission is to develop science-backed solutions and implement targeted campaigns to protect and restore our oceans. They strive to bring about policy changes, promote sustainable practices, and engage communities in ocean conservation efforts globally.


Services Offered:

Plastic Pollution Prevention and Cleanup:

Ocean Conservancy actively tackles the problem of ocean plastic waste. They organize beach cleanups, support the Global Ghost Gear Initiative, and develop innovative solutions to reduce plastic waste. Through their efforts, they aim to remove millions of pounds of trash from the ocean and raise awareness about the detrimental effects of plastic pollution.


Climate Change Mitigation:

Recognizing the significant threat of climate change to our oceans, Ocean Conservancy advocates for climate action and promotes sustainable practices. They are actively engaged in lowering carbon emissions, bolstering renewable energy projects, and engage policymakers to prioritize climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies.


Marine Wildlife Conservation:

Ocean Conservancy is committed to protecting marine wildlife and their habitats. They collaborate with partners to establish marine protected areas, advocate for the preservation of critical habitats like coral reefs, and help protect marine life like sea turtles and whales that are in risk of extinction.


Sustainable Fisheries:

Promoting sustainable fishing practices is a crucial aspect of Ocean Conservancy’s work. They advocate for responsible fisheries management, support initiatives that combat overfishing and illegal fishing, and work with local communities to ensure the long-term health and productivity of fish stocks.


Policy and Advocacy:

Ocean Conservancy actively engages in policy development and advocacy efforts to protect the ocean. They collaborate with governments, international organizations, and stakeholders to shape policies that prioritize ocean conservation, sustainable practices, and the well-being of coastal communities.


Special Features:

  • Annual Photo Contest:

Ocean Conservancy organizes an Annual Photo Contest that showcases remarkable photographs capturing the beauty and challenges facing our oceans. The contest celebrates the power of visual storytelling to raise awareness and inspire action.

  • Global Ghost Gear Initiative:

Ocean Conservancy leads the Global Ghost Gear Initiative, which focuses on removing hazardous ghost gear from the ocean. Specially trained experts retrieve gear, recycle what is possible, and return functional equipment to local fishers, thereby reducing the negative impact on marine life.

  • International Coastal Cleanup:

Ocean Conservancy is responsible for organizing the largest yearly volunteer effort to collect garbage from the world’s seas, lakes, rivers, and beaches. This effort is known as the International Coastal Cleanup. This annual event engages millions of volunteers worldwide to remove trash and collect valuable data to inform solutions to marine debris pollution.

  • Trash Free Seas Alliance:

Trash Free Seas Alliance was formed by Ocean Conservancy to eliminate marine trash via collaboration between groups and governments. This collaborative effort focuses on innovative solutions and approaches to reduce plastic waste and keep our oceans clean.

  • Marine Sanctuary Program:

Ocean Conservancy supports the establishment and management of marine sanctuaries, which serve as protected areas for marine biodiversity. These sanctuaries provide critical habitats for marine species, promote research and conservation, and contribute to the overall health of our oceans.



Ocean Conservancy plays a vital role in protecting and preserving our ocean ecosystems. Through their initiatives, partnerships, and advocacy efforts, they work towards combating plastic pollution, addressing climate change, conserving marine wildlife, promoting sustainable fisheries, and shaping policies that prioritize the well-being of our oceans. With their commitment and dedication, The organization strives to ensure a thriving ocean for future generations to enjoy.



Address: 1300 19th Street, NW, 8th Floor Washington, DC 20036


Phone: 202-429-5609


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