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The Climate Reality Project
Climate Reality


The Climate Reality Project

Empowering Global Action for a Sustainable Future



The Climate Reality Project, founded by Al Gore, is a prominent environmental non-profit organization dedicated to climate education, advocacy, and mobilization on a global scale. With a mission to address the urgent climate crisis and achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, the organization aims to create inclusive solutions that engage individuals and communities worldwide.


Envisioning a world free from the devastating impacts of climate change, The Climate Reality Project strives to inspire and empower people to do something significant to save the earth and guarantee subsequent generations a safe and secure world.


At the core of The Climate Reality Project’s mission is the mobilization of individuals worldwide to drive urgent climate solutions. Through civic action, policy support, and advocacy campaigns, the organization aims to:

Raise Awareness and Education:

The Climate Reality Project conducts impactful events like “24 Hours of Reality” to raise awareness about climate change and engage a global audience in the conversation. These events aim to break online viewership records, reaching millions of people with the critical message of climate action.

Support Policy Changes:

The organization actively advocates for policy changes at local, national, and international levels to combat climate change. By working with policymakers and supporting climate legislation, The Climate Reality Project strives to create an enabling environment for sustainable practices and emissions reductions.

Train Climate Reality Leaders:

Over thirty-one thousand Climate Reality Leaders make up the backbone of the Climate Reality Project, who undergo comprehensive training to become advocates and educators in their communities. These leaders play a crucial role in raising awareness, organizing events, and driving climate action at the grassroots level.

Promote Sustainability Programs:

In order to combat climate change, the group stresses the need of sustainability initiatives. The Climate Reality Project is an advocacy group that works with other organizations to spread the word about the need of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to the consequences of climate change.

Advocate for Climate Justice:

The Climate Reality Project is committed to fighting for climate justice and ensuring that the most vulnerable communities are included in climate action efforts. Their goal is to promote fair solutions to the disproportionate effects of the environmental crisis on vulnerable populations.


Five Special Features:


Climate Reality Leadership Corps:

The Climate Reality Leadership Corps, led by former US Vice President Al Gore, comprises over 45,000 changemakers committed to driving climate action. These leaders receive comprehensive training, knowledge, and skills to effectively communicate the urgency of the climate crisis and mobilize their communities for change.

Global Campaigns and Programs:

The Project unites activists worldwide through various campaigns and initiatives. These initiatives focus on accelerating the transition to clean energy, expanding zero-carbon transportation, fighting for climate justice and public health, building green communities, and embracing nature-based solutions. By joining these initiatives, individuals can make a tangible impact on climate change.

Annual Reports:

The Climate Reality Project releases annual reports that highlight their achievements, activities, and impact on urgent climate action. These reports showcase the organization’s commitment to transparency, accountability, and continuous progress toward their goals.

Collaboration and Partnerships:

The Project actively collaborates with like-minded organizations, policymakers, and influencers to amplify their impact. By forging strategic partnerships, they can leverage collective efforts and work toward shared climate goals.

Training Opportunities:

The Project offers comprehensive trainings both online and in-person, covering various themes related to climate change and its solutions. These trainings provide attendees with valuable knowledge, skills, and connections, fostering a strong sense of community within Climate Reality.



The Climate Reality Project, founded by Al Gore, is an influential environmental non-profit organization that educates, advocates, and mobilizes individuals worldwide to address the urgent climate crisis. With a mission to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 and inclusive climate solutions, the organization’s initiatives, campaigns, and training programs empower people to take action and drive positive change. By raising awareness, supporting policy changes, and promoting sustainability, The Climate Reality Project plays a vital role in the global fight against climate change.



Address:. Multiple countries. In US – Washington DC


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