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Keren Hayesod UIA


Keren Hayesod UIA : Bridging Communities for Israel’s Future


Introduction to Keren Hayesod


Keren Hayesod – United Israel Appeal stands as a beacon of hope and support for Israel, its inception dating back to 1920. It’s a cornerstone organization, embodying the enduring bond between Israel, the Jewish Diaspora, and friends of Israel globally. With a history spanning over a century, Keren Hayesod has played a pivotal role in the development of Israel, supporting over 900 communities, and backing significant national projects like El Al Airlines, the Israeli Philharmonic, and the Hebrew University.


The Four Pillars of Israeli Support


Keren Hayesod collaborates closely with the World Zionist Organization, The Jewish Agency for Israel, and the Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF). These four institutions are the pillars of the State of Israel, each enjoying a unique legal status and collectively shaping Israel’s destiny.





Empowering Through Action


The work of the organization is multifaceted and impactful. It supports Aliyah and immigrant integration, aids disadvantaged populations within Israel, and strengthens connections of young Diaspora Jews to Israel. In times of crises, Keren Hayesod is at the forefront, addressing immediate needs and adapting to the changing priorities of Israel and its people.


A Vision of Unity and Support


The vision is rooted in the Jewish principle of mutual responsibility – ערבים זה לזה. It signifies a commitment to always be there for each other, a promise that resonates through their work. This organization is not just a fundraiser; it’s a bridge that unites Diaspora Jewry, the Jewish homeland, and their many friends worldwide. Their goal is more than just financial aid; it’s about nurturing and safeguarding Israel as the heart of the Jewish world.


The Unshakable Bond: Donors and Impact


The contributions and commitment of Keren Hayesod’s donors are instrumental in promoting the causes they champion. These donors are more than supporters; they are partners in a journey that shapes the future of Israel and its people.


Your Role in This Historic Journey


Contributing to Keren Hayesod is more than a donation; it’s being a part of history, a part of Israel’s founding legacy. As they continue their vital work, every contribution, big or small, makes a significant difference. They invite you to join this historic journey, to be a part of a community that not only supports Israel but also shapes its future.


Conclusion: A Call to Action


Keren Hayesod is a testament to the power of unity and the impact of collective effort. Their history, work, and vision offer a compelling story of perseverance, dedication, and love for Israel and its people. As they forge ahead, they do so with the support of countless individuals who believe in their cause, in the power of unity, and in the future they are building together. Join Keren Hayesod in making a difference – for Israel, for the Jewish people, and for a better world.





Address: 48 King George St. P.O.B 7583, Jerusalem 91074


Phone: +972-2-6701811




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